On May 27, 2011 I took my shahada. I remember overhearing someone who was skeptical about my faith say something on that day that really broke my heart.
This person said, "I guarantee you in two years she will completely forget about Islam and go back to her old life. You know how these converts are."
Well, today is May 27, 2013, and look at me.
I am far from a perfect Muslim. I make so many mistakes. But, I will never forget Islam.
Two years ago today, I was blessed that Allah (swt) chose me to say:
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
There is no god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God.
And this was the best day of my life.
Today is better to me than my birthday, because on my birthday I didn't do anything except be born.
On this anniversary, this marks another year of dedication to my religion and my God.
So, I will be happy to send you my P.O. Box to forward gifts to ;)
Sincerely, in the past two years I have tried to be a better person and a better Muslim every day - although on many days I'm a failure that is lucky only by the grace of God. This day really was an immense blessing. The best one that Allah (swt) has ever bestowed on me.
Today, two years after I took my shahada, I pray that everyone in the world is able to taste these words on their lips before they die. I can only wish you experience one millionth of the appreciation I have for my religion. It really is such an honor to be Muslim.
To the person who doubted me:
It's the 2 year Muslim mark, what have you done in the past two years?
I can only speak for what Allah (swt) has decreed that I do for His sake, and I am not trying to brag, but I've helped three people to come to Islam. I've helped change the hearts of hundreds of people to see how beautiful our religion is. I started this blog on Islam. I have spent hours studying. I have fasted two Ramadans. I have recently started to do dawah on a weekly basis. I have taught classes at the masjid. I have answered countless ridiculous questions about my religion with patience and tact. I have chosen to wear hijab. I've memorized several surahs. And, I have forgiven you for this hurtful comment.
I'm not saying I'm a better Muslim than you because I swear I don't think I'm God's gift to Islam, but I would like you to know:
Every day that passes I only love Allah (swt) more than all the previous days combined.
From the bottom of my heart, however, thank you so much. Your comment has continued to push me to want to strive in the way of Allah more and more. You have helped me to question the things I do and want to do better to prove you wrong. And, you have taught me a wonderful example of how not to treat new Muslims. I only pray that you will see how far I've come in 20 years. I don't know where I'll live, if I will have a family, who I will spend my life with, but I put my trust in Allah (swt) that He will choose what is best for me as he has in the past two years.
To all my readers:
Please make du'aa for this person that they are able to benefit Islam. Make du'aa for me as well inshaAllah.
May Allah (swt) reward all of the people who helped me convert with Jannah and may He bless me to continue to assist others in converting as well. May the day I took my shahada be one that pleases God and may it be the best memory in my heart for the rest of my life.
For Allah (swt) found me an orphan and He gave me refuge.
He found me ignorant and He guided me.
He found me poor and He gave me the gift of riches in Islam...Alhamdulilah.