In my third part of my "hijab series," I will explain to you how my FAMILY felt about wearing hijab. I'll talk more about my family themselves in later posts, inshaAllah, but this will start to give you an insight into my family. To answer the question, no. You don't have to wear it around immediate family members - men and women. All women can see me with it off, but the men that can see me without hijab are my father, brother, grandfather, sons, husband, etc... And, I don't wear hijab in front of them.
Why Do You Hate Jesus?
This is one of the most amusing questions I get - always from nonMuslims. I have been shopping in the grocery store, casually minding my business, paroozing the Cheez-Its, and people come to me and say "Jesus loves you!" as if they are telling me some revelation that I've never heard before! Like I'm going to say "Jesus?! WHO IS THAT? Tell me more!"